I discovered something interesting today in my Typeography class. Ever play the game Pictionary? What is the one thing you notice while playing the game…different pictures mean different things to various people. I could be drawing a square with four sticks around it and my team could shout out “cucumber”! The problem with visual media is that it leads things open to interpretation. Showing a video of a floating balloon to a group of people will result in many different emotions and feelings. However, if I add word captions to that visual, then I am able to communicate more exactly of what I mean when I’m showing you a floating balloon. So whats the point?

Words (in general) say exactly what the writer wants to communicate. God has not delivered to us pictures-He has delivered unto us the written word. He, for the most part, has said exactly what He means.

Who are you?

Who are you?

The written word leaves less open to interpretation. Yes, you must look at things like context, historical significance and genre to interpret. But if we can’t extract meaning from the written word, what can we then truly understand. God has not left us in the dark. He has revealed Himself, fully and completely in His Holy Word to us.